Burnt's model plane thread
That P39 caught my eye. Very unique aircraft with rear engine and large gun mounted through prop. I read about it here.
I saw reference to it in this book which I now have to have (kindle version is inexpensive).
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Aces-Against-Japan-American-ebook/dp/B002IVV27Y/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1325124539&sr=8-2"]Amazon.com: Aces Against Japan: The American Aces Speak eBook: Eric Hammel: Kindle Store[/ame]
Lots of cool models here, lots of skills putting them together. Military aircraft and the stories about them are captivating. Too bad few of us can afford to have them as projects. I was never in military service but worked as a contractor to McDonald Douglass doing warranty work on Canadian F18s.
The little yellow "cub" is actually an Aeronca Champ. The RC model by Hobbyzone is outstanding, and an amazing bargain at $89.99. I highly recommend it for someone wanting to get started. It's got everything you need including a radio, that while simple, is decent. Take the gear off, land on a lawn and you almost can't hurt it.
(Amazon has it too)