been up all night

I almost never have a problem going to sleep......I'm part of that "early-to-bed-early-to-rise" crowd. I'm into exercise and doing a lot of yard work too, so I'm sure that helps. I don't drink any caffeinated drinks after about 4pm either, that's usually what causes my insomnia, if I do get it. I'm sure you're limited a bit with shoulder surgery (?) but you could always do a stationary bicycle or some kind of workout to get your blood moving and get you a little exhausted. I've also found that if I have some shoulder or neck pains, real exercise, running or at least a brisk walk (getting your heart rate up) will make the pain go away, sometimes permanently, sometimes just for a while.

I don't take any medication, ever. I just believe in good food, water, exercise and keep moving!