been up all night

I sympathize with you. I also have a hard time falling to sleep and sleeping soundly. I'm sure I have sleep apnea. I wake up many times a night snorting
and I toss and turn a lot. Between back problems/ pinched nerves, and a older mattress I don't sleep well. Something I've read recently and noticed myself is that drinking alcohol will help you relax and fall asleep but the second half of your sleep is very poor. Lots of tossing and turning and no deep sleep. I use
Diphenhydramine which is a antihistamine and the PM ingredient in Tylenol PM.
It makes me drowsy so I can fall asleep and I do sleep more soundly but if I take a whole pill I will be groggy until about 10 am the next day. I will agree with most here. If you have a serious sleep problem you should talk to your doctor. They
can help. My 20 year old son has sleep problems and uses Mellatonin which seems to help. Although he doesn't play much anymore, his years of nighttime online video games certainly hasn't helped him get into a regular sleep schedule. tmm