Are our Slants "Unsafe"?
Was just involved in a car accident the day after new years. Was driving a 68 slantsix driven mopar. A lifted full size bronco with about 38 in tires crossed the intersection and spun around on the ice planting his backside dead center between my headlights. The reason he gave for losing control was not seeing the stop light and swerving to miss the honda civic that would have ended up getting caught about the time it hit the Dana 44 in the front.
Guess what happens when you plant anything in the front end of an old airforce powerwagon. Yep 68 four door step side with a slant six, 4 speed, dana 44 birfield front end, dana 70 in the rear and a two stick divorced t case. Bounced me back pretty forcefully about two feet but with no ill effects. I drove home after that and he didnt. Three kids in the bronco under 10 were thankfully not hurt (scared though). The driver separated his shoulder and has massive back pain and his wife was more histeric than anything.
Basicly trashed the old power wagon, front end grinds when in 4X4, grill guard and grill are mangled, hood bent and wont latch or unlatch(but did get into it fron underneath to undo the bolts after pulling fan and radiator, cant do that with a scion) radiator is cracked and odly th frame is tweaked and the drivers door wont open.(luckily I had three other doors to chose from).
Safly though the Power wagon is a loss. It was in bad shape to begin with and this puts it over the top. It was an amazing drive for a year and the engine is still strong. Sad day.
Traded it for a 71 demon with a siezed 198 slant that is in ok shape.