Hi all...guess I'm the new girl...

Hey everyone, I'll have more to add later, but for the moment I just wanted to introduce myself quickly before I go for the night...I'm Laura, I'm 20, and I'm from Cali. I drive a slant/6 225 '69 dart custom - 4 dr. greenish...(which I'll have pics of ASAP), although its nothing special...heh, and not running temporarily. I've had the car a year and no problems then all the sudden the balist resistor, timing chain, gears, gaskets, exhaust manifold, water pump, harmonic balancer and valve seats all broke within a week...ugh. But I'm devoted so it'll be on the road hopefully this week...feel free to give me advice, tips, etc. cuz im always lookin for a good deal. ok, have a good evening everyone!