Shafers model car thread
I asked for a couple of kits for Christmas. To be precise I wanted a Dart and the Old Monogram "L'il Coffin" kit.
I got,
Two 68 dart Kits (Revells; Mr. Norm's 68 Dart" and the '68 Hemi Dart kit),
The Monogram L'i Coffin kit,
AMT's '96 Corvette kit (?),
Revell's '64 Impala kit (?),
Monogram's "Paddy Wagon" kit,
Monogram's Diehard NASCAR Chevy Race truck (again ?),
AMT's 69 GTX kit (!!!),
and Revell's '49 Merc coupe kit. and Testors 1/6 scale Harley Road King kit!
I'm not nearly as good as some of you at this, but I guess I'll be getting a bit of practice over the next few months! lol