stripping to bare metal

1968FormulaS340 -I guess I am one guilty of thinking stripping to bare metal was the way to go to expose any and all trouble areas.

res1vw21- i know how i feel when i get a mechanical job started by a customer and have to repair botched work. so i understand why you guys dislike having a customer start his own work. #1 reason i'd like to consult and work with my body man before i do this work. i have two guys in mind who's work i have seen first hand. I will contact these guys before i proceed.

71dusterdan - thanks, i'll check that option out.

63Valiant*kiss- i'll so some reading on ospho and talk with body guess about it. thanks

yeah was scared of the responses I was gonna get from you guys as I knew in the back of my mind the truth. Basically I just want to do this right the first time as I'm sure most of us do.