
Yes I did. Sorry, I didn't take any pics when I was doing it but I have a completed pic I'll attach. I made one big mistake when I was doing it and that is cutting out the original shifter surround in the console. When I was measuring things I measured the total throw of the shifter and it was more than the opening in the stock console by about 1/2". I first tried notching the top plate 1/4" at each end so it would allow full throw of the shifter but didn't like the way it looked. Had that hacked up look even though my cuts were straight. So the only solution I could think of was to cut out the shifter surround and make a top plate cause the top plate that came with the Quicksilver was too wide to fit the console. My mistake was in forgetting the quicksilver is set up for a trans. requiring 4 forward detents so in reality it didn't need to travel the full length to grab all the gears of the 3 speed TF. After I got it installed I realized the factory cutout would have been big enough, UGH! One of these days I'll find a new console top plate and install it so it looks more original. Here's a pic of it and that weird looking thing you see laying just left of the tach is a dead wasp, LOL... I took the pic under low light and didn't even notice it there until I loaded it on the puter.

Thanks for the picture! I will probably order one of these and be done with it. So you are saying don't trim anything and it shoud fit right in? Are they fairly easy to install, is there any welding needed to adapt this shifter into the stock location?