1971 Dodge Demon Hemi install

We tried to catch the brake/trans fluid in the buckets and got a lot of it.....anti freeze and fluids were disposed of properly!

Bolted on the engine hoist and put a little pressure on it.....not so much as to pick the car up off the jack stands but enough to hold engine, K-frame from moving away from frame when we remove the bolts.

A few side notes. Notice the hood is still on, PB blaster at the ready, polish fender guard taped to the R/F fender, classic Direct Connection fender guard on L/F and no beer...... its still early, lots of time for beer!!!!One more thing, third picture down from the top notice the classic 2 liter over flow bottle! I love it...
hey had the same thing!gotta replace the bottle every once in a while though.lol