Duster=1 Civic =0

So last night on the way home it finally happened. A honda civic's diver wasn't paying attention and when I slowed down because the car in front of me had turned on it's blinker to turn....BAM!
The goofy thing is that the car in front of me didn't even turn, they continued on and didn't turn :lol:
So I get out to see the whole front of the civic crushed in, hood buckled up to the windshield, fenders folded back, and the radiator core support is pushed back to the engine....So I'm thinking that the bomber is pretty well crushed as well...not so much :)
There is some floor damage in the trunk, bumper was pushed into the quarters, the trunk lid doesn't seem to close right anymore, the exhaust was creased closed and pushed up into the suspension, but no one got hurt, thank God ( I did check on her first even before inspecting the damage )
So, 5 years of daily driving before an accident...
Anyway, I'll post up some photos when I can.

Be safe out there guys and spread the word......hang up and drive...