Duster=1 Civic =0

Hmmm, not bad for a $80 cameras

If these new air bag cars are so safe lets see the pictures ! Lets see pictures of the cars all smashed up--like those 40 year old cars were and how the people inside were not killed..they aren't showing them cause they can not.

Air bags disable the car after the first impact to prevent the car from being used as a ram. Air bags kill, plain and simple, why we are now "drunk" at .08

Why we have to wait 1 min at each red light and creep away from the intersection. As soon as traffic gets moving quickly, the light turns red again. Speeds are way down on the side roads, why death rates have been going down. Its easier then ever to lose your driver license also.

Oh well, what can we do, most the folks who knew how strong-safe those cars were are dead now. Today the dream is to have some $50,000 tin can car with gps and 20 air bags