Viper motor in a A body...

hey ya there humm your mechanic should stay away from your car , yes we have A-body's in Australia but after VE there 2" inches longer in the engine bay to accommodate the hemi6 , on the VF that had a slant you can see in the radiator support how it comes out an extra 2 inches to the fan can reach , i think were lucky to have the longer front end make putting a 5 cylinder in length would give us heaps of room as the accessories on the front of the engine would bring it close the the hemi6 length :)

I was wondering if anyone has put in a 8.0L v10 viper motor in a A body...

An if so,what modifications needed to be done?
As in if the firewall had to be cut etc...

Im from australia,an have a valiant charger,an my mechanic told me
to ask here because my car has the same room in the engine bay as
american A bodies.
I came across a good deal for a v10 so i thought id ask here for any
heads up before i undertake an engine swap like this...

Its my first post, dont flame my sorry arse just yet lol

I hope everyones well:-D