CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

Nobody knows how to dicker anymore!!!!!! I've noticed that more and more lately. I price things I'm selling with a little "wiggle" room you know, then people that come and look at them either walk away or pay full price (which isn't always a bad thing.) BUT, it sure would be nice if more people learned the "art of the deal" from their parents or grandparents.

I always price knowing I'm going to get dickered. Usually about $300 over what I want on a car $2K or less.
On the windstar though it was a friend and neighbor who asked what my bottom dollar was, and I told them. I then stuck to my guns. It was my bottom dollar!! We are still driving it everywhere! I'm driving it into Cinti. today for an auto auction. If I buy something I'll come home and get FOTO. Wouldn't sell it now for less than $2200.00! LOL:D