71 demon brake questions.

There is a large brass plug on the side of the combination valve. You will need to remove the plug and recenter the piston that is under it before you can get any fluid to the front brakes. The factory valve has this provision to keep from pumping the master cylinder dry in case of a brake line failure. When you get the valve recentered, put the front of the car on jackstands, fill the master cylinder, crack the bleeder that is farthest from the master cylinder, and let the car sit until fluid comes out the cracked bleeder. I usually use a piece of clear hose that will slip over the bleeder and put the other end in a bottle with enough fluid to cover the end of the hose and go to bed. When I get up the next morning, I bleed the brakes. When you are bleeding the brakes make sure you don't push the brake pedal more than halfway to the floor or you will need to reset the combination valve again. Hope this helps.