The slant or the 318

It doesn't matter if yours will "do 127 in the quarter".....God, that sounds mega ghey just sayin it. What matters is who crosses the line first. Evidently, Bill doesn't know that. lol

Quarter-mile speeds are the BEST indicator of power output in a drag car. Elapsed times are reliant on a multitude of things related to the chassis setup, aerodynamics, drivetrain specifications, and tires.

When comparing two vehicles' performance potential, elapsed times are far too "iffy" to give you a good idea of what that vehicle is capble of when the chassis is sorted out. We were discussing engines, not the whole package, here, so the MPH is a more reliable yardstick for measuring performance portential.

I have a friend who had a '69 Camaro A/SA car that ran 127 MPH, just like Ryan's Valiant. He had scienced out the chassis and it went 1.31 60-ft. times, with e.t's as low as 10.19... all at 127 MPH.

Ryan's car could run that quick, and probably will, but for purposes of comparison RE: horsepower output, the MPH figure is a lot more reliable.


Your spelling is as bad as your logic...
