Lee #1 sold for $$

From the first day I saw the show I didn't care for the paint scheme. the wheels or the push bumper. The whole idea of it squealing the tires on the dirt. or jumping out the windows when it had door handles.

Real moon shine runners never painted their cars orange and put giant numbers on them and a flag non the less. I think this show was a joke on us mopar guys and we fell for it. Anyone who likes mopars for what they were would never want a General Lee. At least not me. Give me the Bullit 68 or the Crazy Harry Dirty Mary 69. Even the Fast and furious 70 was better even though it burned the tires and poped a wheelie like a spring horse. But The General Lee just down right sucked . I vote Bullit for the nicest charger on the set. just over the 68 on Christine .

Someone put these four chargers in a poll and lets take a vote on which one you would rather own for its appearance and performance on the set.