CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

That wagon should be a lot of fun! I'll have to join

ABB, Deadwood is my all-time favorite TV show! I have the DVD's and can't get enough. I was SO BUMMED when they didn't finish it right with a 4th season!!!! HBO C**ksuckers!

I've watched season 1 about 4 or 5 times in the last 6 weeks while my hand has been healing.
I love that show.

ABB had posted a vid clip from the show of Calamity Jane without proofing it first. I said to her WO! I bet there is cussing in that clip. I played it and like the 3rd word was the C word. I was floored, "You gotta get that clip off here!!!" while she was already running for her laptop at top speed for the delete button!! (HA HA!! She never says a cuss word and forgot to play the clip before posting. Scary but funny now.)

Calimity Jane....What a mouth on that woman! HA HA LMAO!!!!:D