Sticky clutch (motorcycle)

Well I pulled the side cover off. 2 things

The oil pump/mixer pump (for the 2-stroke mixing) area was filled with water? WTF? The 2-stroke mixer tank was full of uncontaminated oil, the lines & pump were full of oil, but water made it inside the case somehow (which is sealed separately from the main case, no water in the actual engine)

I haven't figured out how that one happened, but I'm going to use some RTV during the reassembly just incase.

second thing. The Drum, Clutches & Steels look brand new, no rust or noticeable wear. But the whole clutch assembly was filled with crud/gummy goo that must have lingered when I flushed the crankcase (it's what you'd expect 30+ year old oil to turn into)

So I'm cleaning everything up real good, otherwise the engine looks Brand New inside (to be expected, the bike has 200 miles on it)

edit : Oh man it's awesome, I got er back together and the clutch works, she shifts like a dream again! Come on summer, hurry the "f" up so I can ride!