66 dart LED prototype working for now

Your meter readings give cause for concern; the bright/dim intensity ratios aren't anywhere near sufficient. Only a 49% difference axially for the original bulb, and only a 30% difference axially with the LEDs. I'd be inclined to try to rule out a problem with your measuring method/equipment as a first step, because the original lamps did comply with the 5:1 and 3:1 ratios. You may need to tweak your driver circuit to reduce the intensity in dim (tail) mode.

Dan I just borrowed the next door neighbors luxmeter(cheap one ) and got a sample reading off of just the the axis right now. his meter gave me completely different numbers than the photographers
here's the axis numbers for 1 light 10ft away and both 5 up and down
with a .1 light reading with the lights off
tails were @84 degrees temp
1.55 -.1=1.45 (axis)*9.29 =14.3066
1.54 -.1=1.54 (5d) *9.29 =14.3066
1.56 -.1=1.55 (5u) *9.29 =14.3995
1.56 -.1=1.55 (5l) *9.29 =14.3995
1.55 -.1=1.54 (5r) *9.29 =14.3066

brakes were with the same setup but didn't vary at all till I went past 10 degrees down then the readings went UP???? gah must be tilted in the opening
here is the readings that I did
12.7- .1=12.6 (Axis)*9.29=117.054
12.7- .1=12.6 (5u)*9.29=117.054
12.7- .1=12.6 (5d)*9.29=117.054
12.6- .1=12.5 (5r)*9.29=116.125
12.7- .1=12.6 (5l)*9.29=117.054
14.3- .1=14.2 (10d)*9.29=131.918 ******
12.6- .1=12.5 (10u)*9.29=116.125
I just went out and looked at the tail lights and they ARE mounted at an angle.hmm maybe I'll have to tilt the board a few degrees to fix the difference
if I take the worst case and do.
14.3066 / 116.125 I still get a good ratio of... hmm 8 to 1
I did resistor down the taillights, I went from 110 ohm to 390 ohm to get a good differential. plus it helps that I'm running 20 in the outer ring and 28 in the centers too! I hope I'm getting close to a safe set of lights
thanks for your help. made me think a little bit harder on what I wanted too!