Being a Moderator.....

Being a moderator on a site is an un-paid position of authority. To be awarded and maintain this position you must post often, post and be concerned with the best interests of the forum you are serving. You must also be somewhat knowledgable of the material the site is presenting.

To also serve you must have thick skin. This is so that when members throw sticks and stones at you you will not get hurt because they will bounce off your thick skin.

You must also have little to none feelings. This keeps you from getting upset or crying when someone calls you a name.

Everyonce in a while you get to have some fun. You eventually will find a new spammer filling up the forum with spam in a can. Then the fun begins. You get to delete all the threads as spam and ban the spammer and sometime ban their IP address.

Everyonce in a while someone will call you a name or another member of the forum a name and you will have to brush it off. When that same person continues with the same action or even worse calls the adminstrator a name then we have to spring into action again. Sometimes it's just deleting the posts or threads and then other times it's both that and banning the member. It's usually not fun banning a member but it is a necessary evil.

Make sure you take a chance to read the rules of the forum so that you know what and what not is allowed. Every once in a while thank your moderator for the job they do. It isn't always easy.