CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

:glasses7:I need some info, John help!!!
I am glad I have not put the carpet in yet :thumrigh:

This thread has made many days turn to better ones as I watch and read :blob:

Your Thankful and happy friend on the hill looking forward to your return and enjoy another day. Mike, and family :wav:

Hay memike!
I would try febreeze on fabrics and cloth headliners. Deoderizing soap and water on rest of surfaces.
I have good luck with Dawn and a bit of Tide liguid in really hot water. Then a clean towel to dry off surfaces. the towel drying will drag the tar and dirt off into the towell. So use one not being used in the bathroom! LOL
Water should be as hot as you can stand with playtex gloves on.
Have a great day today memike!
I hope everything is alright with you and your family.