Anyone else not give a crap about the super bowl?

I'd probably be interested if the sport was more about the sport and not all the fluff, the primadonnas and the big's way too friggin commercialized which is a big turn off.

that is all that is on the news this week, took wife downtown to let her see the sights, well $20 to park over 1/2 mile away $30 if closer and her being limited mobility, she just got to see all the people walking on sideways outside where all the activities are set up.

They stated the Capital Improvement Board will be $810,000 short after the superbowl. TELL ME HOW IN THE HELL THIS HAPPENS? The 100,000 of Millions that will be spent this week and the taxpayers will be out another $810,000 dollars after spending $725,000,000 (again taxpayers money) to built the stupid statium to be able to get a super bowl here.

read in the paper a group of 12 guys renting a house for $65,000 for the weekend

it is crazy the money that will be spent this weekend. The regular Hooter girls don't get to work this weekend, they have Calendar girls come in for BIG events

the NFL is rediculous, if everyone would boycott they would not be so strong. As long as people are willing to pay, they have control over the cities wanting to host the game.

as far as the commercials, they starting running them already, not need to watch for them on game day.

The only good thing is it will be over next monday and things can get back to normal