What do you guys think?

Ok well I have been doing some research and what I have found is there are a few possibilities concerning trans related issues that it could be.

1st. the throttle pressure linkage not being adjusted correctly, which may allow extra pressure to come from the govener valve and pass through the throttle valve. This is a possibilty BUT Im not sure what the excess pressure would be doing once it got past the throttle valve. ANY HELP HERE?

2nd. What if the trans fluid happened to be a little low and at that RPM the pump began to starve for fluid? This would allow the rpms to raise still but the entire rotating assembly to cause drag! Sound reasonable?

Im going to check these few things (hopefully) today. These are two items I would think are ok, BUT who knows, this is where all the little adjustments and whatnot come into play. I mean the motor and trans were completely out as well as all the linkage being removed. This is a different trans also.
I am pretty sure I have the trans dipstick tube seated all the way in.
Well Im off to check a few things.
Get back to me if you guys agree/disagree or have a brainstorm with the added info here.
Thx :wave: