65 Barracuda tranny

grumpuscreature, I think you got me on the right direction, one more item, can the cable throttle pedal be from a later abody?
Thank you all for your help it is greatly appreciated.
Really hard to say right now. My current A body is a '66 with rod linkage. I have a cable throttle assembly that I got off Ebay for 10 bucks. I would post a pic of it so you could get an idea what the mounting plate looks like, but for some reason the disc from my hard drive exited the tower yesterday and buried itself in the wall. I am limping along on the kid's tower for now and have no SD card reader or USB ports. If you have both early and late A bodies available, crawl under the dash and see if the mounting plates are close enough to work. The throttle assemblies aren't hard to find, all you need is a V8 '64-'66 donor.
You're welcome, that's what we're here for.:wave: