here it comes Colorado

Evergreen CO has gotten 48 inches of snow and still going

Power went out for about 2 hours or so here in Lakewood and just got restored. I was just running a 12/2 outdoor cord from the van inverter when everything came back up.

Snow still coming down. :hello1:

My only two worries were the freezer (duh, put all the frozen goods in the snow) and heat. No fireplace, but pretty sure the van inverter would run the fan for my propane heater. Well stocked on candles and batteries, have propane and kerosene lamps..... kinda hoped it would last longer,, lol.

Dogs and I went on a mission..... get the mail, lol! They were romping with Maxi always trying to figure out where I'm going and ahead of me and Mr. Merlin always walking on my right hip like a trusty .45 Colt. No leash, not needed... It was awesome. I almost wish I were born 150 years ago as I feel I would've done just fine.