Anyone running a hydraulic clutch with their 833?

I understand from their website that with that bracket it should mount to the firewall where the original rod came through from the clutch pedal. I'd love to see pictures when mounted and how the rod from the master cylinder mounts to the clutch pedal. Looks like it has a heim joint so I am assuming you have to drill a hole through the pedal somewhere.

Yes, the master cylinder bracket SHOULD mount to where the hole in the firewall is, where the original clutch rod goes but i havent gotten there yet...looks like there is a pretty steep angle (about 45 degree) from the clutch rod mount on the pedal to where it goes through the firewall, so this swivel bracket SHOULD emulate the same factory angle...

It looks to me that i'll have to cut the clutch rod stud off the pedal, and drill a hole in the same spot for the new adjustable clutch rod....