What the hell is wrong with people?

I just received the news that my business partner's sister died in a car accident outside of Grand Forks last night. She was a nurse, and was returning home from her evening shift on Hwy 2, in the dense fog, when she ran into a pickup truck parked facing the wrong way in her lane with it's lights off.

Her boyfriend, a paramedic on call, was awakened and called to the scene. Apparently the firetrucktard in the truck had been drinking earlier, got in a fight with his girlfriend, and decided to end it all by getting hit head on. Of course the arse survived. It must have been devastating to both her boyfriend and hospital workers who had to treat the bastard who killed their co-worker and friend.

May he burn in hell..



That sucks! Grand Forks isnt far at all from me,maybe 1.5 hr drive,but the highway between here and grand forks is VERY treacherous,lot's of blind corners,avalanch area's etc and most of the highway is 2 lanes. Lot's of bad accidents in that area without the drunk idiot parking his truck on the highway.