
First, what sort of problems are you having? Does it read high, or low, or intermittent?

Are you sure the temp gauge is OK?

(The voltage limiter affects both.)

You CAN check the gauge for accuracy. Mopar used to have a test box you could hook in place of the sender, but if you have the sender out, you can ADJUST the sender to these resistances, and then see if the gauge reads accordingly. Alternately, you can get some "power resistors" at Radio Sh&& and substitute them in place of the sender

The values are:

L = 73.7 Ohms (empty)
M = 23.0 Ohms (1/2)
H = 10.2 Ohms (full)

Voltage limiter is working correctly 12 V in 5 V out.
I have 5V at the feed wire.
Continuity through out the sweep of the float 9 to 89 close enough.
Grounded power at sending unit, gauge works.
Rechecked ground, ran seperate wire to ground, continuity from new ground to sending unit good. Put power to unit nothing (float wide open)
Checked voltage at unit stud once again 5V. Put probe to different parts of unit ,also picked up 5V . Could this bee the problem ? Am I supposed to get a voltage reading no matter where I touch the sending unit or just at the stud.