What Did You nThink About Chrysler's "It's Halftime America" Commercial?

I'm with airwoofer on this one.
I hated it.

It was a whitewash of an American business disaster.

"When times got tough" really means "when the Executives and the Unions drove two auto makers to bankruptcy".

"We pulled together" really means "when Congress and The Executive Branch of government took your money and gave it to the failing GM and Chrysler and took control of both of them, gave one to the incompetent UAW and the other to the Germans, all at a loss to you, the taxpayers".

"The second half begins" is a warning, not a rally around the flag boys moment. Witness the Chevy fincancial disaster known as The Volt. It isn't selling. Witness the Fiat Dodge Dart. How will that sell in the U.S.?

Sure it was made to make you feel good.....and it obviously did. It was designed to make you overlook the fact that since Lee Iococca negotiated the first government bailout of Chrysler, the company had to be bailed out a second time and then sold to a foreign automaker twice.

What Clint should have said was "Look at Ford. Allan Mullaly kept them from using taxpayer money to get their financial house in order and it kept them from being sold to the UAW or some other foreign entity. THAT is the American Spirit in which our Founding Fathers established for all Americans. Join us in doing the same as we work to become an American company once more."

That commercial made me really appreciate that I drive an "American" Chrysler car that was assembled in Canada with an engine made in Mexico.

I have to get into my 1969 Dodge or my 1971 Duster if I want to drive an American car.

Second half don't look too good.