
If I remember right, Bill was a member here for a while. He used to post a bit, but then faded away. I haven't seen him on here in at least 2 years.

You are right Jack, He is a member here, but like you said he has not returned :coffee2:
He had a home here in Sercy Arkansas with a great small lake and we had planed a day of fishing but the weather did not work out for us, He was at Monster Mopar at Indy and I talked to him and his wife as he sat in a wheel chair in a van.
He said he sold his place to a man and the man split the property up and made a killing on it, but he did get a Big settlement from the co builders that built a wagon like his and admitted that if the co would have just asked first and not been such of an A.H. on the phone he would have not sent his lawyers on them... He is getting up in years and still has a good sense of humor :glasses7:, He said to me Mike this is my wife not my daughter :iconbigg:, he signed my fabo memike hat and said he would try and get back to us..... He is doing allot of traveling with the car in this thread and another car he has an old friend racing and showing at event's.
I hope he is doing well, his wife did take a fabo card from me and said she would try and get back to us.