
!! LOL !! Wish I could. I guess you are in Yakima? Long ways from Coeur d Alene. It'd cost you more for a bus/train/plane trip to get me there and back than hiring local talent.

Years ago I did a "little" upgrade on the 911 dispatch center furniture over there. While I was in dispatch working, I overheard the following one sided 911 call:

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Duct tape?"

"On the hood?"

"So let me get this clear, you say she is DUCT TAPED to the HOOD?? And they are driving up and down the street that way? Officers are ON THE WAY"

"Central, any available unit code three, vicinity of AAAA and BBBB streets.........."

I thought he already addressed this, but it never hurts to double check. That is, however why I asked him to check voltage, key on, from sender flange to a good body ground

Ya another fun night in Yakima. Coeur D alene is about 240 from Yakima.
Not a bad drive. I used to go up to Preist River all the time. Love that area. I think I have this figured out. I don't have a ground problem . As some of you mentioned the sending unit is reading to high at over 80 ohm's ,not getting enough continuity. I will adjust to 73 ohm's. Also I pulled my dash cluster apart again! and found that the temp guage stud was loose ( actually it fell out)so its basically broken.Hopefully between the two it will work when I'm done. I would like to thank everyone that responded to this thread.