Captainkirk's Duster project

Crazy, man......It's the middle of summer and I've logged no Duke time at all yet. Not to mention I'm having a scuffle with my ISP service operating correctly, it's a miracle I've even managed to get online to read the postings in the forum.
The good news is, I've been working on the next chapter when time allows and hopefully will be able to fill you all in and amuse/entertain you.....soon. Please don't go away!

Know exactly what you're feelin' Captain. I can't believe the very small amount of work I've actually done on my restoration. I remember vaguely before actually beginning the neighbor saying something like, "we'll get this done so you can take it to the shows this summer." Yeah, right. Maybe 3 summers from now. When you work full time & have family obligations, the car just sits and waits patiently (or not so much) for your scraps of attention. Mine is Charlotte by the way and I'm sure once she has her new doo, the Duke would love to meet her. From the sounds of it, they would have much in common. LOL Here's the graphic for her um...hood.
