What Did You nThink About Chrysler's "It's Halftime America" Commercial?

OK, politics to the political forum.

As for the commercial. It was well done. The lighting at the beginning reflected the darkness of the times that were being denoted. The carefully selected images of people and places were flashed in concert with carefully selected words in Clint's monologue. The choice of a gravely voiced octogenarian (Clint) known for his tough guy image was a thoughtful choice to emote the sentiment of an old tough America that has withstood hardships and is still standing (Clint never sat, he walked forward). The brighter images in the end conicided with the intended optomism of a brighter "second half" of which Clint talks about. The shiny new Challenger at the end ties the sentiment of patriotism, hope, and change that Clint talked about with the symbolism of the powerful, graceful, and appealing American car. The logo at the end is for those who don't know who makes the Challenger.