5.7 & AlterKtion Questions
Yes, you can have power rack and pinion steering with the Alter-k-tion and the 5.7L, 6.1L or 6.4L Hemi.
The reason you can't have power steering with the STOCK K-Frame is that the factory power steering box is much larger than the manual box and comes too close to the exhaust ports on the head. There is simply not enough room for between the exhaust port and the steering box for either a header or an exhaust manifold.
With power rack and pinion the rack is only slightly larger and sits in front of the engine. Note, the Alter-k-tion uses front steering. Thus, there is no interference between the exhaust ports and the steering.
Your choices for exhaust manifolds on the 5.7 are: You can use the manifolds off of the 6.1L SRT8 Jeep Cherokee, or 5.7 exhaust manifolds off the same. Or you can use TTI headers. Please Note: You have to order the headers SPECIFICALLY from TTI for the Alter-k-tion, as the tubes are in a slightly different position to allow for the steering linkage to reach the rack and pinion. Thus, you'll want to think through your plans carefully so you don't end up buying the wrong headers. Also note, the Jeep 5.7 exhaust manifolds will work with a stock K-frame and manual steering but the 6.1 exhaust manifolds WON'T!.
Hope this helps,
Joe Dokes