Torsion Bars Test/Inspection

Thanks for your input, just crawled out from under car both bars are free of any damage there is no rust and they are firmly attached to the car. I take it that measurment is taken through bar? if that is the case then the bars are just under a 1" (230mm-not sure what that is in inches). However if they are standard you think that it is better to change them for thicker ones? I will just have to see how much money is left over.

I'm not sure what conversion table you're using, but the wiget on my Mac says 230mm = 9.055 inches. It shows one inch as being 25.4 mm. Just to make sure, I looked at a metal rule with both scales and it's the same. Using the same wiget for a standard V8 .87 diameter bar gives 22.098 mm. An .89 bar (heavy duty or AC) = 22.6, and the Mopar Performance .920 bar = 23.368mm. Finally the HD/race 1.06 aftermarket bars made by Firm Feel are 26.924mm.