Please Rescue!

You know I hate you Joe, right?

I know, I shouldn't have opened this thread.

I've been wanting another dog for some time now. I had to put Maxx down at the end of May, and it's just not the same around here. I'm sure that Prince is OK, but ya never know. First losing Maxx, and then the ex split, he must be kinda lonely with just the two of us. Especially when I go off to work. The one day jobs are fine, but when I'm gone for most of the week, it's gotta be hard on him.

If I could just get a job in town, I'd be all over another dog. Where's my fairy godmother when I need her, lol.

Sorry to hear about Maxx and the Ex, my condolences... I'll bet Prince could use a new buddy though. :)

One of my Basssets is a rescue, He's such a great dog. Sweetest one Ive ever had. We named him Petey Johnson LOL

Petey Johnson? :cheers::cheers: Cool Basset! Where's his legs though? ;)

Deb and I just ran across one of the three Orange County GSD rescue last weekend. They had something in the neighborhood of 30 dogs there and another 60+ being fostered. That's a staggering amount for just one rescue group. If we didn't have three attention hounds already, we would've been bringing this one home.

What a great face on that guy! He looks alot like my old GSD Rocky. Same color and everything.

I have a friend who works at Westside GSR as a trainer. She's always stopping by my store with different dogs she's working with... If I wasn't so fixated on boxers, I'd be sorely tempted.

Heck, you're right there. I bet your friend could walk one right up to your door. :happy1: