Giving the girl 20 minutes of chores is slavery? Not givng the kids some chores is what I call in setting them up to not have any responsibilities later in life.

I do not agree 100% with what he did, but listen to what the girl wrote. She is a foul mouthed spoiled little brat with way too many electronic connections to the outside world. As a teacher, I can tell you that she represents where our society is heading--if it is not already there.

I guess you didnt listen to what he expects. Sounds like a hell of a lot more than 20 minutes.How many daughters have you raised? If you get them to do well in school and not get pregnant in todays society I think you are doing well.At my house its homework first and then you can help if its needed.My first daughter graduated, never had a discipline problem and treats her elders respectfully. My youngest, 18 is an honors, straight A student in her senior year of high school.Scholarships offers to major universitys are in the mail everyday.Harping on them to get a job. Hell no. School first. When you decided to become a parent you took on the responsibility to provide for their needs.My daughters deserve what ever I can give them. Its poor parents who force their kids till they rebel who are part of the problem.I can tell this guy has mad skills,not. All this *** has done is make the divide wider.Say what you want but the proof is in the pudding. jmho DD