My cuz calles it FaceF*#k,...Turns off the router @ 8 oclock every night, and makes his wife turn off her cell as well. Guess what, the family life is more tranquil, and the kids grades are up,...way up. And if the chores aren't done then there is no cell, wii, laptop, no car shows, swap meets, sleepovers or hanging with the other kids. ..Period. In a nutshell, Untill they start paying rent,...there ain't no free ride. Worked for my Kids. Backsassing cost em plenty, (pulled the boy outa the shower and out into the snow for a few minutes one evening for that), and they still had chores,...damn more than 20 minutes, thats for sure.If they were'nt in school or working they were doing they're part around the homefront. They were taught enough to not get knocked up or get knocked up. They too were Honors students,..they now work hard with good jobs,.the military polished up what we gave em. We're pretty happy with the way they turned out. Your job as a parent is to raise your kids with values and principles (that also means respect),or you'll regret it later. You have to be the parent, not they're friend. That means that sometimes a little boot to *** is in order.
The real world is not kind to the arrogant, foolish or stupid.