Valve spring Install woes...

ok so i got my new springs and retainer in! so im trying to keep from taking the head off i made i cool tool to remove the springs w/o removing the head...

bolts in place of the rocker shaft yadda yadda... anyways i built it so it would be flat when compressed all the way to it would be easy to remove/install the keepers...

well by doing so when i first start to compress the spring is pushes the top out and the retainer gets caught in the grooves in the valve... :banghead:

so i tried everything from an thin object between the retainer and valve so it could slide by and lightly tapping on the retainer with a rubber mallet... no go...

being i think my only option left is to pull the head im kinda done... i cant afford to do a head gasket and intake gasket again (about 100 bucks) and was planning on yanking the motor and doing some stuff after MATS, so i may just say screw MATS this year...

bummer is my dad hasn't seen or been in my car since he brought it home with the stock motor with 300K and 3 burnt valves and a cracked head... i wanted to give him a low 14 down the track......

so i dont know what to do... im already tight this month and i have a doc appt for my shoulder/elbow and have been sick all day... good ****...