All my electrical woes.
Found it! After all that, I was tracing current today and things just didn't add up. I seemed to have connectivity at all the plugs and connections when I had the current off, but discovered no voltage to the black wire at the fuse box from the battery. Long story short, found a female pin for the black wire not making contact outbound from the steering column. Had to look really close, but it appears to have gotten hot and wasn't making good contact. I crimped it a bit with a small screwdriver and now everything has power! So one last question, I plan to replace all the connectors at the steering column. Is there a place to find duplicates of what is there(been looking online and have not found them), or do most people just get generic connectors to rewire them?
Thanks to all who helped me on this. I was pretty concerned about being able to fix this myself, but with your help I learned a LOT about the electrical system.