Guess The Compression Ratio

Get a Std Ignition module, or the FBO module for more $$. Make sure the coil is getting the right voltage on the hot side. If it's below 9 volts, replace the ballast with a perfomance one that has less ohms resistance rating. Check you igintion curve with a timing light with adjustable advance feature. You should have 34-36° total without the vaccum advance connected (plug the hose to the carb for this test) and aim for between 15-18° initial. If you set it to 36°, then check the initial timing at idle, and it's like 2 or 3°, you'll have to make changes in the distributor, or replace it with the MP version that can be tweaked in the centrifical advance curve to get what you want. The brown crud is usually deposits from combustion. Race fuels, lead additives, fuel additives/cleaners, stuff like that.

So I racked up 32 miles on the new plugs today. Filled the tank with Torco 100 unleaded. Pulled 1 plug and it looks like this. Floored it a couple of times and no pinging.

Moper, does this look ok?

I will get down to checking total timing this weekend. The plan is to call FBO within the next month to redo entire ignition...distributor and related components, regardless of what the results are after this weekend.

Thanks in advance

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