The Most Useless Electronic Program

unfortunately, that's another management screw-up. Us carriers are way understaffed. management will not not hire anyone to replace guys who retire, quit, go on extended medical leave, ect. they do bring in temps. these clowns don't care where mail goes. they're paid $12 an hour and are told they have by a certain time to be done or they're fired. they have no union protection so they fling mail where ever and make the rest of us look bad. I'd say you live on a route that hasn't had a regular carrier and/or sub in a while. It's not right, but its the way it is.

It's the same carrier we've had for well over a year now. Up until recently, there were no issues. But thanks for the explanation, it probably still is the reason... maybe he's taking up the slack for someone out or not replaced or something. He's a cool guy, very courteous.. I've talked with him, but haven't caught him in awhile (I just see him from the window so know it's him) so next time I catch him I'll chat with him to see how he is.