Anybody notice this when driving your Mopar?

This thread is a great read. Good topic idea Woody. Makes me think of the past abit. The one thing about old cars is you are going to have to expect the comments from people who don't know jack.
The only thing that bothers me is when people come up and say my dad (Or I ) used to have this car and they start talking about it. Then you say, "Umm, dude, this is a Plymouth, not a (Insert any make/model/year here) ________. And then they argue with you. Arogant. (SP?) Hate it.

A buddy of mine has a '66 Charger. Some young kid leans out a car window while driving down the road and asks what it is. I think thats cool he even asks and takes intrest in the car. My bud turns around and with a nasty reply says, "It a F$%^*IN Helicopter!"
I'm like dude, relax. He screams out loud so the kids cam here, "The F'in name is on the side of the car! Can't he read!"

Be fore warned now, the general "Joe" public is, well, stupid. Give a kid a brake and let'em know what it is and nurture them into a great hobby or at least, knowleadge of something that peaked there mind to speak up.