I kind of disagree with this. What he paid for the car has no bearing on the actual value. If you found a $100 bill on the ground, should you only get $50 value at the store because you FOUND it? NOPE!
Could he pass along a good deal to someone else because the car was acquired at a very low cost, sure. I do that same thing all the time as some of the guys here know. I pass along leads for parts that I could make some serious $$ on, that I have no interest/need of, because it's that community thing. Sometime the community itself is bigger than the money. I've gotten some GREAT cars/leads (Mark knows about my Duster deals) because of the way I treated people and really believe if you do good deeds, it comes back in spades.
I know he got the car for $200 and spent some time and money getting the title issues squared away. Is the car worth $2800, no. Had it been a rust free car with minor bumps and bruises, possibly mid 2K, if it runs. In it's current condition the car is a task for someone unafraid of panel replacement. I'm not scared by that but I also value my time in getting it back together... and there is ALWAYS more rust hidden than whats on the surface, GUARANTEED!
Do I think such a car should be parted out, NO! These cars are always worth more in parts than whole, just the way it is. I cut up a 72 Petty Blue twister because it was just too rough even for me. If $$$$ drive you then that's the way to go. If allowing someone to save a piece of Detroit History means anything, take the reasonable offer, make a profit and move on knowing you did something noble.
I'm very interested in the car because I love Demons and Dusters. I'm pretty savvy with values and the work involved. Mark knows what I think the car is worth and I let him know the range I'm willing to pay, got cash and trailer, which is consistent with other posters assessments. Ball is in his court.
Does Mark deserve the ball busting? IMHO, no. He's really a good kid trying to make it in the world. Cut him some slack.
Mark, a piece of advice... apply the bucket of crap theory. If a bucket of crap has a hard top shell and a stick stuck in it that you can grab, LEAVE THE STICK ALONE. Cause once you break the top crust it stink up the place real bad. Get where I'm going with this...