Luring a wild cat

Anybody have some tips? There is a feral/wild cat that just showed up a bit ago. A rare 'tortie' breed, looks identical to a cat I used to have (who was stolen out of my fenced in backyard about a year ago).

Even has the same markings in the same spots, but she is extremely skittish and runs at the slightest sound. I dumped some food outside and I'm playing the "waiting game" at the moment.

If that fails, I'm rigging up one of those Pet Carrier boxes with a rope on the door... You know, the poor mans "live trap". food inside and wait until I have gray hair to yank on the rope to trap the kitty inside (heavy welding coat and welding gloves mandatory!)

Anybody have some other suggestions to try? Tortie cats are extremely rare, and I'm 100% certain this is my missing cat. I'd like to catch her and tame her again. I have a knack for taming feral cats once I have my hands on them, it's the catching part that i suck at :D