helpppppppppppppppp asap

RUN LIKE HELL! It is a SCAM! On the other hand have him send you the check! Use a post office box do not give them your real address! Take the check and deposit it in your bank and wait for about 7 days! You will find out the check is about as good as a loaf of 6 month old bread! Frame the check and see how many you can collect! Just be careful and do not send any one anything! BE CAREFUL! I have a internet friend that has collected 9 SCAMMERS CHECKS for a total of about $70,000.00! And some of the scammers he has dealt with are really funny.He has had some going for months! He has sent me some e mails and photos he has collected in some of his SCAMMER DEALINGS and I have to say It is VERY FUNNY ! But he is very careful in what he does and says to them also!