Amd vs. Goodmark

So if AMD knows what they are doing then why don't their stuff fit? The shop I work at has NOS parts and the AMD stuff aint the same. Period. So why did the cuda project pics end up the goodmark site?

Why did I have to add the ridge on a challenger deck lid? Why did the same deck lid not fit square on the car when the original one did? Yes I had to weld up the edges and grind them to make the gaps correct, it does bolt on but it wasn't right. Why did we have to modify the quarters to fit and the wheel houses not fit right?

So are people just installing the parts improperly and not having things line up?

Sorry guys the quality of work we do isn't back yard stuff.

But what else are you going to do? Gotta replace the parts somehow.

I will try to find the pics for everyone my compt crashed recently and I lost a few pics but I think I have a back up here somewhere.