Long Distance Relationship Help

Its like people change and when you see them again its not quite the same--for me I had a great time, lol but I could tell she wasn't in to it much.

I don't think its the distance vs how often you see them. Now you are chatting with each other, heck if she lives in a place where you can have a holiday for a few days, beach--nicer weather then you have or something to freaken do if it doesn't go as plan, I would talk about coming in to town for a couple of days and if she like to meet up for lunch--whatever. Take it from there.

Just have a back up plan, just in case. Some clubs to checkout, or whatever you enjoy. Museums, tour the state capital if its on the drive over.

With the internet its easier then ever to plan a trip and not waste lots of time.

I notice you are in Vermont, don't rule out checkout Montreal this summer, I've heard some excellent reviews of their clubs and French gals. I know Toronto can be a blast, never gone to Mont, maybe someday, yet London is much closer for me