crap a moose

I've been meaning to post this since I had a cluster to practice on. Since it was a spare with a "slight" previous repair, I had no worries about screwing it up worse :lol:

Broken Pin :( actually multiple broken pins
View attachment broken_pin.jpg
Here is what I used to "patch" with..I know it's a paper clip, but one should use some suitable wire instead.
The solder doesn't like to stick to the steel paper clip so I recommend single strand copper wire at a small enough gauge to fit inside the pin or multi-strand wire with enough strands to fill most of the inside of the pin
View attachment supplies.jpg
Here is the back of the board after pre-soldering a nub for contact. You'll need to scuff the copper pins to make sure the solder sticks. At the end it should look like the back of a circuit board.
View attachment back_with_solder.jpg
This next one is the wire soldered inside the pin. Use enough solder to "wick" up inside the pin.
You'll want to make sure the wire is long enough to poke out the back AND be long enough so you can hold the pin in place when soldering to the main board. The long wire will also dissipate heat so you don't get burnt while trying to hold it in place.
When you're done, just clip the wire on the back and tip and viola.
View attachment pin_soldered.jpg
This one is of how strong it is when done
View attachment strength_test.jpg

And the final one with the repaired pin circled :)
View attachment fixed_pin.jpg