call me crazy...
PS.... the Black Bently cabriolet above.... HELL yes I would own & drive that.....However it is also unlikely since I would have ZERO intention of ever PAYING for one....OFF THE HOOK EXPENSIVE...damn fine ride, just too much $$$$$$.
ALSO on the tons of early Detroit iron in crash tests???.... In no way is this a swipe at any Detroit iron...I am an ardent fan and likely always will be......but I have seen the test results from three R&D facilities here in Michigan and one down in Tenn. The lil goomers do far better at protecting the driver than you can possibly imagine!! The fold up cars with all the "bend points" can absorb almost three times the shock of impact as say a 1968 Buick 225....or a 57 chevy..... If you think about it , it is a pretty REAL and reasonable fact.... the cars built today are for the most part without distinguishing style, but far more protective of the passengers/drivers than anything built in the 50 60 70 80 and now even the 90's!!! Those lil "puddle jumpers" can take a world of hurt and the driver can walk away.... they are simply put, a far superior safety designed vehicle than ANYTHING from the early years..... if you ever get a chance to check out the oh so public pictures and test results you will be amazed at how poorly the older cars fair at keeping the people inside them safe..... while I favor the styling of the older vehicles and their RAW POWER feelings.....for the everyday commute through the concrete jungle to & from work I'll take the safer of the two all day long.... would I drive it to a show ...yep, but would never enter it....just use it as basic jellybean looking SAFE commuter car. look around for/at the comparisons, they are out there !